Upcoming event: Lions Park Summer Cleanup Saturday, July 20th, 2024, 9-10 AM Please join us. Be a volunteer in Duncanville. 

Club History

Club History

The Lions of Duncanville, Texas, can officially trace their roots back to 1945, when a group of service-minded men joined together to serve the residents of the community.  The original club (Duncanville Host) started an evening meeting on May 11, 1945.  Several service projects of the early Lions included building the Lions Community Building in 1951 (still in operation today) and building the community swimming pool (at Armstrong Park) with project funds.

History of Duncanville Host Lions Club (1945–1996)

The Duncanville Host Lions Club was chartered on March 16, 1945 and was sponsored by the Wynnewood Lions Club.  The following were charter members:

  • C. Pelt (1945–46 Charter President)
  • Q. Nance
  • A. Jones
  • A. Serafino
  • R. Brown
  • V. Sliger
  • W. Vincent
  • E. Wilson
  • C. Goldman
  • L. Hammond
  • L. Turner
  • M. Hood
  • B. Brandenburg
  • Clark Pelt
  • Q Smith
  • Van Q. Smith
  • Marvin Powers
  • Paul Griffith
  • Ray Fouts

This club had two members serve as District Governors of Lions District 2X-1: Hugh Childress (1964–65) and Charles A. Knight (1966–67).  The club sponsored two clubs, including the Red Bird Lions Club and Duncanville Noon Lions Club.

History of Duncanville Noon Lions Club (1971–Present)

As the Duncanville Business Community continued to expand in the early 1970s, a group of business men saw the need for a daytime “noon” Lions Club.  While Duncanville already had an active Lions Club (Duncanville Host), the meetings were held at night and were often lengthy.

Eddie Boone of the Wynnewood Lions Club, the District 2-X1 Extension Chairmen, and Maxie Bell, the President of the First National Bank of Duncanville and a former president of the Vernon, Texas Lions Club, commenced to visit the professionals & business men in the community.  Plans were made for the club to meet each Friday at noon at the LNL Cafeteria.

In the summer of 1971, Bell and Boone has enlisted sixty (60) men to become the charter members of the Duncanville Noon Lions Club.  The club first met in June of 1971 and its charter was signed at a Charter Night Banquet on Sept. 3, 1971, at the Oak Cliff Country Club.  (Charter Date: August 2, 2971)  The Duncanville Host Lions Club was the club’s sponsor.

original club officers were Maxie Bell, President; Dr. Phil Woodall, 1st Vice President; David Kirk, 2nd Vice President; Russell Gill, 3rd Vice President; Loui Holder, Secretary-Treasurer; Bob O’Burke, Lion Tamer; G.W. Gordon, Tailtwister; and Ellis Gibson, Glenn Blalock, Bobby Sims and Jess Young, Directors:

Charter Members were:

  • Charles Acton
  • Chester Adams
  • Don Adams
  • Maxie Bell
  • Glen Blalock
  • H. Byrd
  • Royce Brown
  • A. Carrell
  • J. Cooper
  • Richard Davidson
  • B. Doggett Jr.
  • Don Eubank
  • Charles George
  • Ellis Gibson
  • Charles David Gill
  • Russell Gill
  • W. Gordon
  • John Hancock
  • M. Harrington
  • Gordon Henrichsen
  • Frederick Herman
  • Vernon Rhodes Hardwick
  • W. Higginbothan
  • Louie Holder Jr.
  • James Horne
  • Louis Hurley Jr.
  • Choyce Jackson
  • V. Jenkins III
  • James Russell Kent
  • David Kirk
  • Dell Knowles
  • Bill Lovelace
  • Robert Machin
  • Luther Massingill
  • William George McCarthy
  • Fred McJunkin Jr.
  • T. Miles
  • Earl Mizell
  • Bill Mote
  • Denzil Myers
  • Bob O’Burke
  • Thomas Pelt
  • H. Plummer
  • Jim Ranne
  • Melvin Reider
  • Billy Gene Savage
  • Bobby Sims
  • Jerry Stilwell
  • Don Smith
  • Jim Summers
  • Joe W. Summer
  • Rodney Teaque
  • Robert Tollison
  • Ken Vess
  • Swany Walker
  • Truett Wilkins
  • Phil Woodall
  • William Wyman Jr.
  • John Yarbrough Jr.
  • Jess Young

The two clubs merged together in 1996 and has continued to serve the residents for over seventy years.

The Lions Community Building, located behind the new library, was built in 1951 by the Lions.  The Lions Community Building housed the 1st Library, the 1st Senior Citizen’s location and the 1st Boy Scout Troop in Duncanville.  Today the Lions Community Building is still used by the Club and Community for special activities like parties, wedding receptions church Church Services and of course, Lions Club events.

The Duncanville Lions built and operate the Independent Living Center located at 423 Middale, that houses 23 disabled families.

Lions are the largest civic organization in the world and our  club is about 120 strong and one of the strongest clubs in the state! Listed below are 20 reasons to be proud of being a member of The Duncanville Lions. Our local club motto is WE SERVE,  BETTER, TOGETHER.

20 Ways WE SERVE Better Together & Have FUN Doing IT!!!

  • Provides support to Duncanville Outreach Ministry for food and living assistance for the indigent
  • Helps local students in need with school supplies
  • Lions families sponsor foreign exchange students to live in and become part of their sponsoring family for annual summer camp
  • Sponsors Duncanville’s July 4th Parade activities
  • Supports Duncanville Police Department’s “Partners for a Safe Duncanville” and Santa Cops
  • Owns and provides housing for 23 disabled families at Duncanville Lions Independent Living Center on Middale in Duncanville
  • Delivers Christmas fruit baskets to residents of the Duncanville Lions Independent Living Center
  • Assist local families in distress as needed
  • Assists and provides entry into local Christmas parade
  • Provides financial assistance and manpower support to Lions District Sight & Tissue Foundation
  • Annually tests and fits all needy local youth with proper-fitting eyeglasses
  • Hosts the Annual Sandra Meadows Classic Girls Basketball Tournament
  • Founded and holds annual Literacy Fair for Duncanville 3rd Graders
  • Funds scholarships for Literacy Fair
  • Sponsors local students in the Lions International Peace Poster contest
  • Provides numerous $1,000 scholarships to Duncanville High School graduating seniors by sponsoring Las Vegas Night annual event
  • Annual support of 8 designated Lions District charities, including:  Texas Lions Camp, Shadow Children, Crippled Children Camp, and Diabetic Day Camp
  • Provides annual financial support to International Lions Club charities
  • Owns and provides rental of the Duncanville Lions Club Community Center
  • It meets at the Duncanville Hilton Garden Inn on Main Street each Friday at noon
  • YES, there are many more!

Join Our Community Today

Reach out to Duncanville Lions Club to learn more about our services and how you can get involved. Together, we can make a difference in our community and beyond.